The best advice I got was “write from your secret heart to the reader’s secret heart”. It takes courage. And it won’t sing to everyone—but the ones who get it, get it deeply.

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I love this so so much!

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I should give credit: this is from Mary Adkins, of The Book Incubator

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Lead don’t follow! Exactly! And maybe enough time has passed you can revisit the book you put on hold.

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Thank you for being such an encouraging and clarifying voice here, Kristen! I admit I felt discouraged when I learned that the subject of my memoir (motherhood + identity) is one of those "trends" that has or is being played out. I didn't know that when I began writing it. It IS the book of my heart, but I have put it on hold, because I fear exactly what you wrote about here - that no one will be able to give it a fair chance if they are sick and tired of reading books about motherhood. Sometimes I just don't get it, and right now, I wonder what to do with it.

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All you can do is put your head down and write. You aren’t writing to try and beat a trend so I would say, write and try anyway. The book of your heart will find an audience, no matter what the market is saying. And motherhood is such a broad term. It’s hard to really say it is beaten down and people are over it, unlike something more specific. But that’s also exactly why indie publishing is such a viable option. If you can’t get the gatekeepers to pay attention, readers still can!

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That's also very hopeful to hear, Kristen. I am on my fourth draft, waiting to hear back from the editor I hired. I also have three beta readers and have received feedback from one so far. I'm working on my query next. My book is pretty nuanced, and I realize that an agent and then again any editors I work with will likely have additional edits and maybe even a less broad lens than motherhood for what my story is actually about.

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Good luck! Keep us all posted! And yes, the right agent and / or editor will help you frame it as something more specific!

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I agree - always hard to start writing something and find out that it is actually trendy, not original. Still, we've got to put our own voice to things...

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And your own voice will automatically make it feel original!

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Right! That’s the hope!

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Jun 27Liked by Kristen Weber

On the other hand, if we write slowly enough, the trend may return and we’ll be all set up. 😎

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I guess that’s an option! Let us know if it works out 🤪

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I really loved this!

There are so many times when I just want to follow the trends or grain of what other people "want", but always remember that it's my own voice that will matter and stand out. Writing something just like other people or to fit in will only let me be one thing and will only keep me from standing out. I don't want to fit in!

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You do not want to fit in. And even when you try to fit in and copy everyone else, it is hard to hide your true self. So you might as well embrace it!

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Jun 27Liked by Kristen Weber

Exactly Kristen. Lead don't follow. On the other hand, I remember several years ago working on the second half of a book and a certain movie came out and exploded. The plot and even some of the characters closely, very closely in fact, followed the book I was writing. I'm too much of a realist to think that somehow my unfinished book could compete, so I put in on hold where it remains today. Sometimes its hell if you do and hell if you don't. Such is the nature of this beast, right? You can't try to tag along with what's on fire currently or successfully foresee anything new and shiny that's coming, so you just write and keep on writing. As they say, let the chips fall where they may. Great post. - Jim

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I totally agree with this sentiment. Now will you pass the word along to other editors/agents so those of us who DON'T blindly follow trends have a chance to have our words read?

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I wish I had that power!

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This is very much the case of modern war fiction, which unfortunately is becoming cliched on every level. Sad, given the significance of the period. My self-styled writing mission is to write the 'War and Peace' of WW2 fiction, without writing 'War and Peace'.

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Jun 28Liked by Kristen Weber

I await with interest your article on indie publishing you mentioned a while ago. There are so many "programs" out there promising to guide you through the indie process that it makes my head spin. I recently read "Good writing doesn't sell your book. Good marketing does." Of course, the writing can't be hopelessly garbage-y, and everyone needs an editor, but people buy books they hear about.

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I’ll make sure this comes out soon!! ❤️❤️

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Jun 28Liked by Kristen Weber

Great advice. Thanks for this, Kristen.

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Thanks for reading!

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I can't criticize a creative's motivation, but I know if I was writing to chase a trend, I would not be in control of my writing, the trend would. Then, would I be a slave to a trend? Ugh, that just turns me off.

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“ become the trend and write the book of your heart” 💜

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That has always been my view as well! Also a part of why I read predominantly indie now (plus write it) as everything was much too same-same in trad. I write what I love and what I would want to read. If it ends up fitting with any current trend, fine, but I'm not going to go chasing after a shape-changing butterfly that, every time you think you've just about caught it, it's changed again and off in a different direction.

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That butterfly image is so apt and perfect. ❤️❤️

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I love your viewpoint of becoming the trend instead of following someone else.

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Yes! Let everyone try to copy you ❤️

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P.S. Am I the only one hugely tired of mean Fae and punitive governing systems as sources of tension?

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This is a huge problem with manga and manhwa. There are rarely new ideas, just a million copies of something else that was successful. Just because I enjoyed Sword Art Online does not mean I want every story to be about being trapped inside a video game.

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That is so true! Readers are hungry for new things - which is another reason why indie publishing has thrived. Readers are no longer just letting gatekeepers tell us what we want to read!!

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And that is something I am so grateful for! The publishing industry has been soulless for a while, playing it safe and making it all about money. I'm glad the readers are pushing for some changes there.

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